Colleges don’t care about what you do.
Colleges care about who you are.
I can help you find your story and guide you through crafting your perfect narrative.
You're bold. You're brave. You're different. And your essay should be too.
Since 2006, I have assisted hundreds of students with writing their high school and college application essays. Let me help you. Trust me; I do this in my sleep.
The Details:
- In-person or Zoom instruction
- 60-minute sessions
- Pay-per-session ($175/session)
Who I help:
All grades: Middle School, High School, College, Graduate Level
What application essays I can help you with:
- All application essays
- Common Application Personal Statement
- Supplemental college essays
- Scholarship essays
For more information:
📧 Email me: [email protected] or 📞call (978) 233-8875