By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Being a disorganized student makes school so much harder than it needs to be. School is hard enough, is it not? But it gets so much more difficult when you can’t find your notes to study from, you turn in your …
10 tips for taking hard classes
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. This blog post shares 10 tips for taking hard classes in high school and college. Hard classes provide a healthy challenge, the opportunity for growth (and getting smarter!), and often a pathway to cooler things. In other words, you should be …
How to feel less overwhelmed in school: 5 tips for students
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Feeling overwhelmed in school is a primary reason students experience anxiety, miss school, sleep poorly, and avoid assignments. That can hardly be surprising, as school is essentially a high-stakes, full-time job with endless assessments and many moving parts. Common causes of …