By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Good school habits, strong study skills, and the ability to stay focused are essential for academic success. I think we all know this. But what’s less frequently addressed is how successful students think. In this blog post, I share the top …
The number one source of school stress for most students
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. School stress is real. There’s stress about assignments, tests, social drama, sports, schedules, time, college applications, studying and grades – the list goes on. In this blog post, I share what I argue is the number one source of school stress …
8 things to do over the summer that will make college easier
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. In this blog post, I share 8 things to do over the summer that will make college easier. I’m not talking about taking summer courses – although that’s a brilliant idea. Instead, I’m talking about 8 activities that target the same …
The 4 most important skills you need in college
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. In this blog post, I identify and explain the four most important skills you need in college. While I could have made this list much longer (you need many skills to succeed in college!), I narrowed it down to the four …
How to get a summer job as a student
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. This blog post is about how to get a summer job as a student. It contains tips for choosing the right summer job, where to find summer jobs, and strategies for applying for a summer job. Getting a summer job as …
How to ask for college recommendation letters
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. The college application process has many moving parts, each of which requires planning ahead. (Hello, SAT prep!) And, each of which can be stressful. One part of the college application process that often overwhelms or confuses students is the teacher recommendation …
5 tips for finishing the school year strong
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. As the school year comes to a close, you might be looking for ways to power up and end on a good note. Fortunately, as a student, you have a few strategies at your disposal that can help you do exactly …
10 tips for taking hard classes
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. This blog post shares 10 tips for taking hard classes in high school and college. Hard classes provide a healthy challenge, the opportunity for growth (and getting smarter!), and often a pathway to cooler things. In other words, you should be …
How to feel less overwhelmed in school: 5 tips for students
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Feeling overwhelmed in school is a primary reason students experience anxiety, miss school, sleep poorly, and avoid assignments. That can hardly be surprising, as school is essentially a high-stakes, full-time job with endless assessments and many moving parts. Common causes of …
5 signs you’re studying wrong and what to do instead
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. This blog post reveals five signs you’re studying wrong and what to do instead. Because schools rarely teach students how to study, students are often left to figure it out on their own. Naturally, this includes a lot of trial and …