Master List vs. To-do List

Master List vs. to-do list, and why you need both

Katie Azevedoexecutive function, goal setting, good habits, organization, productivity

By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed.

master list vs to-do list

Iā€™m a huge fan of lists. Iā€™m a fan not only for my own personal geekish reasons but also for reasons based on cognitive science. (In case you didnā€™t hear, our brains can not store endless amounts of information.)

Iā€™ve written about lists many times, in a variety of contexts: here are the top 10 lists students should have, here are tips for keeping track of homework, hereā€™s how to use a list as an inbox (scroll to #2), and hereā€™s how to use lists to reverse engineer your goals.

This post is all about Master Lists vs. to-do lists. You are likely familiar with and probably already use a basic to-do list, but here Iā€™m teaching you about a secret weapon called the Master List.

Letā€™s start with some simple definitions:

  1. To-do list: a list of daily or weekly tasks that you need to complete by a certain time in the very near future.Ā 
  2. Master List: a catch-all list for longer-term projects and ideas that donā€™t carry as much urgency as to-do list items.

I argue that we need both types of lists to operate fully. Master Lists and to-do lists have different functions, both of which are critical for students and working professionals. 

Differences between Master Lists and to-do lists:

Master List

  • Contains mostly non-urgent tasks and projects
  • Contains mostly should do and want to do items
  • Can be one catch-all list or divided by context (work, school, home, etc.)
  • Should be reviewed periodically (weekly, bi-weekly or monthly)
  • Might contain tasks you never get to or that you lose interest in
  • Can include medium-term or long-term goals
  • Can contain projects of all sizes, from simple tasks to multi-step goals
  • Items from the Master List are eventually pulled over to the to-do list
  • Should be stored in an accessible location, but not necessarily constantly visible (consider using the Notes app on a phone, or my Goal-Setting Bundles all include 4 Master List templates for this exact purpose)
  • Items on this list should realistically be completed within 12-18 months

To-do list

  • Contains items that are urgent or time-sensitive
  • Are specific to a particular day or week, and are regularly rewritten
  • Can include individual steps to larger goals
  • Can include tasks you pull from your Master List
  • Should be very accessible and visible during the day
  • Should be reviewed multiple times per day
  • If written daily, should include only tasks that you can realistically complete in a day

Examples of a Master Lists

If youā€™re new to the idea of a Master List, you might find some examples helpful. Below, I include some basic ideas of what you might put on a Master List in various contexts. Again, you donā€™t have to divide your list by context (I personally just use one Master List for everything), but thatā€™s just how Iā€™m formatting my examples.

Master List for school:

  • Clean out digital files and organize folders
  • Start researching colleges
  • Go through old school papers and notebooks

Master List for work:

  • Go 100% digital by scanning all papers in the file cabinet
  • Research going back for a Masterā€™s Degree
  • Update resumĆ©

Master List for personal life:

  • Organize my digital photos
  • Paint the bedroom
  • Clean out garage

Master Lists are not only excellent productivity tools, but they help us feel less overwhelmed by the anxiety-producing feeling of ā€œforgettingā€ something. They are a simple way to store our non-urgent tasks, goals and projects so that our brain can focus on the more urgent tasks on our to-do list.

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