study tips for graduate students blog cover

Study Tips for Students in Graduate School

Katie Azevedogood habits, study skills

By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Study tips for students in graduate school are fundamentally the same as study tips for students in high school or college. That’s because the cognitive processes involved in learning are the same no matter what grade you’re in. However, students in …

how to use the feynman technique to study blog image cover

How to Use The Feynman Technique to Study

Katie Azevedostudy skills, test taking

By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. The Feynman Technique is a 4-step study process that can help you learn material more deeply and more intentionally. In other words, it’s a study method that gets you to learn things better and faster. Yes, please! If you’ve been around …

how to study less

How to Study Less

Katie Azevedoproductivity, study skills, time management

By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Everyone wants to study less – including you. That’s the reason you’re reading this in the first place, yes? The good news is that it’s totally possible. In this post, I teach you how to study less by implementing a few …