By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. I donât recommend that anyone – no matter age or experience – study or work intensely for more than 90 minutes without taking a break. And thatâs on the longer side. For most people, I recommend doing homework or studying for …
5 study tips for auditory learners – and how to know if you are one
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. In this post – and in the video above – I share 5 study tips for auditory learners. These study techniques make sense for how the auditory brain works. If you know youâre an auditory learner, these study tips are for …
5 common study mistakes of college freshmen
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. In this post, I feature insights from Sara Pennington of In this Q&A, I ask Sara three key questions about misconceptions and common study mistakes that college freshmen often fall victim to during their first year out of high school. …
Why you need a study routine, and how to create one
Routines are good. Many of us follow routines from the moment we wake up until the moment we go to bed. Think about it: you probably have a routine for brushing your teeth — first, you turn on the water, then you wet your toothbrush, …
How to avoid distractions while studying: 7 tips for better focus
Itâs funny how we can watch Netflix for 3 hours straight without blinking. But when we sit down to do something âhard,â like study, we are suddenly distracted by every little teeny tiny thing. Many of my clients and students come to me complaining that …
How to study for exams: Time management tip
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Wondering how to study for exams? Plain and simple: You need to study in short, frequent increments, a little bit each day over a period of time. At all costs, avoid studying in one large chunk. Actual science tells us that …
8 study tips for kinesthetic learners
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Study tips for kinesthetic learners are a little different than for other learning styles. But first, a little about learning styles: Educators and scientists have identified four common learning styles: kinesthetic, visual, auditory, and read-write. You could fall into one category, …
6 study techniques for visual learners
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Visual learners process and remember information better when the material is presented visually as opposed to orally. Therefore, visual learners often struggle in lectures but thrive in classes that encourage engagement and provide visual stimulation. (Think PowerPoints, videos, posters, SmartBoards, etc.). …
4 odd but great places to study in
As much as I suggest that you regularly do your homework and studying in the same location â doing so has so many benefits! â there are also advantages to mixing up your study environment from time to time. While coffee shops, book stores and …
9 Ways to Keep Your Back-to-School Motivation Alive All Semester
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Youâve got to admit that the back-to-school season has a vibe to it. Itâs kind of like New Yearâs Eve, minus the confetti. For many students, September means crisp notebooks, new pens â and the motivation to do this year better …