time management hack Power Hour (1)

Time management hack: The power hour

Katie Azevedofocus, good habits, procrastination, productivity, study tips, time management

time management hack Power Hour (1)

By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed.

When we have long-term projects or open-deadline tasks, we need some serious time management skills to get our stuff done. Without a time management strategy, we tend to procrastinate until the last minute or even avoid the task altogether.

So why do far-off deadlines or open deadlines make it seem like we actually have less time to complete a task?

Thereā€™s a principle called Parkinsonā€™s Law. It states that ā€œwork expands to fill the time allotted for its completion.ā€ In other words, the more time we have to get something done, the bigger and more complicated we think the task is. Parkinson’s Law offers a legitimate reason why tasks seem to get more complicated the longer we put them off. (Here’s my full tutorial on how to use Parkinson’s Law to get more schoolwork done.)

Whatā€™s the solution to dealing with Parkinsonā€™s Law? Shorten the amount of time you have to complete your work. Enter one of my favorite time management hacks, the Power Hour.

What is the Power Hour

A power hour is a 60-minute window during which you aim to complete a predetermined set of smaller tasks or one larger task. Tasks could be anything: homework, cleaning your room, organizing your papers or computer desktop, writing emails, etc.

How to structure a Power Hour

  1. Look at your calendar and block out 60 minutes of uninterrupted time. Tell friends and family that youā€™re unavailable during this time so they donā€™t distract you.
  2. Write a list of tasks that you need to (or want to) complete. Consider using the Brain Dump strategy to make your list.
  3. From your list, pick a few smaller tasks or one larger task, and gather any materials you will need.
  4. Set the timer for 60 minutes. Seriously — set a timer.
  5. Go! Work on your task for 60 minutes straight, without stopping.
power hour time management hack
Don’t forget to actually TIME yourself for your Power Hour! The whole point of using a Power Hour as a time management hack is to beat the clock. (Fun fact: These are my actual clocks off of my wall.)

Why the Power Hour works so well

The Power Hour is such an effective time management hack because it counters Parkinsonā€™s Law. By limiting the time you have to complete a task, we work faster and more efficiently. Furthermore, by completing the task under a time constraint, we donā€™t allow ourselves time to freak out about what we have to do, which only exaggerates its complexity and importance.

How often and when to use a Power Hour

Plan a Power Hour whenever you have nagging projects or tasks that are giving you anxiety because they are not yet completed. You can do a Power Hour once a week, once a day, or even more than once a day if you have a lot going on. And tip for knowing when you need a good Power Hour is the moment you feel like you have no time. (Are you making these top 5 time management mistakes?)

Time management hacks: Power Hour vs. Pomodoro Technique

If you follow my blog or watch my video tutorials regularly, youā€™ll know that one of my favorite time management strategies is the Pomodoro Technique. You can learn more about the Pomodoro Technique here, but the gist of this time management hack is to time yourself for 25-minute sessions, followed by a 5-minute break: repeat until the task is done.

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As far as a time management hack, the Power Hour is similar to the Pomodoro Technique in that you are rushing against the clock – which is an external motivator. But, unlike the Pomodoro, the Power Hour is a one-and-done deal. Personally, I go back and forth between the two time management strategies when Iā€™m feeling overwhelmed with work, or even when Iā€™m feeling playful. Experiment with both time management hacks for different scenarios and see what works for you.

Extra time management resources:

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