4 ways self awareness improves your grades

4 Ways Self-Awareness Improves Your Grades

Katie AzevedoADD/ADHD, executive function, self advocacy

By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Thriving in school takes more than raw intelligence. While it’s true that school success requires discipline, good study habits, regular attendance, and curiosity, there’s something far deeper behind it all. And what is this mysterious “something”? Self-awareness.  Self-awareness is the single …

3 Note-Taking Secrets of Straight-A Students

Katie Azevedogood habits, note-taking

By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. It’s no secret that top-performing students take notes. They take notes in class, they take notes when reading text, and they take notes while watching videos.  Why? Because they know their notes serve an actual purpose (more on that in secret …