Knowing how to study hard material is different from knowing how to review information you’re already familiar with. When the content we’re learning is new and complex, we have to use techniques that work with this type of information. Below, I list the 3 …
How to improve your handwriting: 6 tips for better penmanship
Despite the fact that computers are taking over the world (sort of) and most students use a word processor to type up essays and notes, there’s still a need for good old pen and paper. But with so much time spent typing, many of my …
How to study in a group: Tips for group study sessions
Even the most independent students can benefit from a group study session. I am the absolute definition of a lone-learner, but even I — a classic solo-student — can recognize the benefits of group studying for certain occasions. And if you’ve tried group studying before …
How to study with flashcards: The 3-pile method
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Flashcards are probably one of the most commonly used study tools. Whether you use paper index cards or a digital version like Quizlet, flashcards are an excellent way to not only study new material but to learn it. But knowing how …
What do to with old papers from school, Part 1: Toss or keep?
This is Part 1 of a 2-Part series about organizing school papers. When you’re done reading this post, check out Part 2, which is all about the Limbo Folder. Students accumulate a ton of papers over the year, from worksheets to quizzes, from essays to …
How to keep track of homework assignments
The first step to getting a good grade on an assignment is to … wait for it … do the assignment! Simple, right? Maybe, but only if you remember to do the assignment. For some students, knowing how to keep track of assignments and their …
How to pull an all-nighter the right way
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. If you have super perfect school habits and super perfect teachers and a super perfect schedule, then you won’t ever have to pull an all-nighter. Yeah, so that’s not gonna happen every day. I get it: Sometimes work just piles up …
What homework should I do first? The easy stuff or hard stuff?
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. What homework should I do first? This is the first question I often hear when a student feels overwhelmed with assignments. It’s also the first thought that pops into my own head when my to-do list runs onto page 17 of …
5 ways to participate more in class, and why it matters
Some students are naturally inclined to participate more in class. These students participate either by raising their hand with a question or comment, or by volunteering for tasks or roles. These are often the kids with their hands in the air before the teacher even asks …
Productivity hack: “Set the table” to nail your to-do list
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. There are so many time-management and productivity hacks that people swear by, and it’s my goal to help you find a few that work well for you. We all learn and work differently — so it’s best to try a bunch, …