By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. I have organized the following guide as a series of common questions I receive from college-bound students and/or their parents. I keep my answers simple and brief because this guide is intended to offer an overview. (If you’re a high school …
9 tips for using a calendar over the summer
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. This is a post full of tips for using a calendar over the summer. Calendars help us stay organized, remember important dates, show up on time, and function as reasonably adjusted humans in society. Students should begin using calendars in middle …
4 tips for taking summer classes in college
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. There are many reasons why students might take summer classes in college: to graduate early, to make space for a double major, to retake courses that didn’t go so well, for personal enrichment, and to boost your student resume. Taking college …