By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. The benefit of a typical college schedule is that you have chunks of time between classes each day. Top-performing college students utilize these blocks of time strategically. In other words, top-performing students use their time between classes in ways that stressed-out …
3 Note-Taking Secrets of Straight-A Students
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. It’s no secret that top-performing students take notes. They take notes in class, they take notes when reading text, and they take notes while watching videos. Why? Because they know their notes serve an actual purpose (more on that in secret …
College Advice No One Tells You (But You Need to Know)
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. College is a lot different than high school. If you’re already in college, you know this. If you’re currently in high school, trust me when I tell you college is nothing like your high school experience. Not only are classes more …
How to Personalize Your Study Skills and School Habits so They Work for YOU
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Things I hear every week as an executive function/ADHD coach and study skills expert: I’ve created hundreds of school habits and study tutorials over the last decade. The study skills, time management methods, note-taking techniques and organizational systems I teach are …
How to Prepare and Prime Before Class (In Just 10 Minutes) Like Top Students
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. College and graduate students often have breaks between classes, unlike the back-to-back schedule typical in high school. While many students slide into their seats with 11 seconds to spare, top students operate differently — and with a little less chaos. By …
Five Ways to Use Your Weekly No-Class Day Wisely in College
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. One of the biggest challenges students face when transitioning from high school to college is adjusting to differences in their weekly class schedule. Most high school students are accustomed to attending class for seven straight hours a day, five days a …
4 Common Study Myths That Are Ruining Your Grades
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Part of my job as a study skills expert and executive functioning coach is to stay current on the research around learning. Once in a while, I come across bogus study advice that is not only funny, but that does more …
4 Summer Organization Tips for Students Who Want a Better School Year Start
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Summer break is for family, friends, part-time jobs and all the things you do when you’re not in school. But summer is also the perfect time to get a few areas of your life in order so you feel better about …
Summer Activities for Students: 11 Ways to Improve Skills and Productivity
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Most students have seven summers to prepare for life after college. And as you know, these 10-week summer breaks go by quickly. Where do I get the number seven? There are three summer vacations between grades nine and 12 and four …
3 Things You Need to Know Before Going to College
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Being a college student is so different from being a high school student. Don’t get me wrong: High school certainly has challenges. But in most cases, high school students get a lot of support from teachers and parents to manage those challenges. …