By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. We all procrastinate. And we all want to stop procrastinating. So why is it so hard? Before we learn how to stop procrastinating, we have to understand why we procrastinate. There are scientific (psychological) reasons that we keep putting our projects off. There are …
3 tricks for learning vocabulary words
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Vocabulary quizzes pop up in almost all school subjects. English teachers and foreign language teachers probably use vocabulary quizzes the most, but you’ll likely have vocabulary quizzes in history, biology, etc. In other words, there’s no escaping the dreaded vocab test. …
How to change your habits: Question your story
We tend to engage in activities and habits that align with our ‘stories.’ We also tend to interpret our circumstances in terms of our ‘stories.’ This is all fine … unless our stories are not quite right. If our stories are not right, then …
Hack the morning routine: 4 tricks for nailing it before school
Some people awake each morning like majestic, radiant, wing-flapping unicorns. Others just fall out of bed like broken gargoyles. Despite the fact that I fall get out of bed every morning before 6 am, I am most certainly the latter of the two types of …
10 back to school tips that you really need all year
Ready for some back to school tips yet? Yes, I know it feels like summers are getting shorter, but they actually are getting shorter! The reason is that many schools are now moving up their start-date to mid-August. That’s crazy! But no matter when …
Before reading a book, do these 5 things
Whether you are reading for pleasure or for pain an assignment, there are five pre-reading steps that will enhance your entire reading experience. The steps don’t take long, they are simple, and they are completely worth it. I recommend that you eventually establish a habit of methodically …
4 odd but great places to study in
As much as I suggest that you regularly do your homework and studying in the same location – doing so has so many benefits! – there are also advantages to mixing up your study environment from time to time. While coffee shops, book stores and …
Summer reading tips: 3 ways to make summer reading less painful
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Summer reading has a bad reputation. For some people, books and beaches go together as well as pickles and chocolate cake. (I think both combinations sound just fine, actually.) But here’s the thing: Summer reading is obligatory, and so you have …
How to remember what you study: Best study trick ever
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Have you ever studied something to the point that you really think you know it, but then the next day you forget it all? Like, everything? Yeah. Me too. It used to happen a lot: I would study all night and feel …
How to write a thesis statement 101: Everything you wish you knew
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. You can’t write an essay if you don’t know how to write a thesis statement. Persuasive and analytical essays. The only writing assignments that don’t require thesis statements are poems, diary entries and summaries. What is a thesis statement? A thesis …