By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. I have been using Status Notes for years. Of course, back then I had no idea that I would make them into a thing and eventually name them Status Notes, but over time I realized I should share my strategy. The …
7 note organization ideas
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. I’ve covered note-taking strategies more than any other topic on my blog and YouTube tutorials. That’s because taking notes is a pillar of learning, no matter your situation. Taking notes is also super important for professionals to master – so whether …
How to help a child with ADHD during remote learning: 8 tips
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Remote learning is challenging even for typical learners. But students with ADHD have a unique set of the challenges that are magnified during remote or hybrid learning. As an executive function coach who specializes in ADHD, I hear from parents weekly …
The optimal 4-step daily shutdown routine for students
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Most things run smoother if they’re routinized. In other words, our mornings are less hectic if we follow a predictable series of events; our weekdays are more productive if, again, we follow another predictable series of events. I suggest that students …
Sunday planning routine for students – tips for basic school management
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. Whether you’re taking online classes, hybrid classes, or full in-person classes, I suggest you establish a Sunday planning routine. What makes this a planning routine for students, and not just for people in general, is that it includes admin / management …
How to give a task structure: Tips to stop procrastinating
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. This post is one of many resources in my anti-procrastination series. I’ve included links to the other resources throughout this post and at the end. I start each post in this series with a list of the 6 common reasons most …
8 time management tips for students
By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed. I know, I know. You have no time. Neither do I. Neither does anyone. So below are eight time-management tips for you. And for every student ever. Also, when you’re done, you definitely want to come back and learn about the …
How to pick and use an assignment notebook
You’re here because you want to know how to pick and use an assignment notebook. But I’m going to start by giving you the best assignment notebook tip ever: write it down. Write down assignments. Write down due dates. Write down appointments. Write it all …
What do to with old papers from school, Part 1: Toss or keep?
This is Part 1 of a 2-Part series about organizing school papers. When you’re done reading this post, check out Part 2, which is all about the Limbo Folder. Students accumulate a ton of papers over the year, from worksheets to quizzes, from essays to …
10 back to school tips that you really need all year
Ready for some back to school tips yet? Yes, I know it feels like summers are getting shorter, but they actually are getting shorter! The reason is that many schools are now moving up their start-date to mid-August. That’s crazy! But no matter when …